Energy Endurance – Formula #10

Energy Endurance is used to help athletes develop increased endurance and energy. This is a very potent formula and is not recommended for those with high blood pressure or diabetes.

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Energy Endurance Formula consists of the following ingredients:

SUMA (Pfaffia paniculata)
onic and herb that fights fatigue and acts as an energizer.

FO-TI (Polygonum multiforum)
A Chinese herb that is believed to increase and maintain strength and vigor. Used as a tonic to maintain good health, may help prevent premature aging.

LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Good for endurance, reduces pain. Contains estroil, an estrogen. Used for vitality, helps expel mucus.

SARSAPARILLA (Smilax officinalis)
A diuretic, receives swelling, stimulant. Blood purifier. May contain male and female hormones.

High in vitamins, stimulates the liver and spleen.

GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica)
Has positive effect on circulatory system. May improve memory. Reduces pain and swelling due to phlebitis.

GINGER ROOT (Zangiber officinale)
Stimulant, carminative used to calm the digestive system. Soothes and promotes healing of minor skin inflammation. Eases cold symptoms.

NETTLE (Urtica dioica) Anti-asthmatic, stimulating tonic.

BLADDER WRACK (Fucus vesiculosis)
Comes from the sea. It has alterative properties and is believed to stimulate the thyroid. It has been used for weight reduction. Contains natural iodine.

GINKGO (Ginkgo biloba)
Ginkgo exerts a positive effect on the bodies vascular system. It is believed to increase the blood flow to the brain and the lower   extremities. Improves circulation and mental functions.

SAW PALMETTO BERRIES (Serenoa serrulata)
Anti-septic, diuretic, tonic, acts as a regulator of hormones. It is believed to tone and strengthen the male reproductive system. Valuable in all conditions of male and female reproductive organs. Thought by some to be an aphrodisiac.

Demulcent, mild stimulant and tonic. Strengthens the endocrine system. It builds vitality and longevity. Increases capillary action to the brain.

DAMIANA (Turnera aphrodisiaca)
Diuretic, stimulant, tonic used to stimulate the pelvic organs. It relieves irritation of the urinary tract membranes.